Our Sunday school class was an incredible source of generosity and support while we were in the old hometown. There was never a "life event" where we didn't have them by our side...bringing meals, helping with kids or transportation, calling to give pep talks, or bringing things by for a kiddo that we randomly had taken in. :) They were truly incredible and blessed our lives like crazy.
We also had the best neighbors ever. We only got to see one of them (out of about 6 houses worth) at the party, but we were thankful that we saw Carrie. She is such a sweet friend and she and her husband loved our kids. C and K would always talk to them through the fence in the backyard or just go their house and invite themselves in. It was awesome. Our other neighbors?? AMAZING! But, I just don't have any pictures...
We were really excited to see some coaching families at the party. The great thing about having friends that are coaches and their wives is that you truly understand their lives. The group of coach's wives last year was very close. It was so nice to see them every Friday night...in fact, when football season was over, we really went through withdrawals. I am thankful that God placed us in the school that he did because it was a great experience for Hubs and me.
We really miss these guys...their son, A was our C's best friend. They were in the same class at school and we were down the street neighbors. They loved our C like he was theirs...and treated him like a prince. C has really missed his buddy A...hopefully we can see them soon.
All in all, it was a wonderful evening that meant the world to Hubs and me. Thank you to our sweet friends for doing something extra special for us. We will always remember this awesome night with such an incredible group of people.