Monday, July 30, 2007

Go West Young Man...

West Texas that is. We really enjoyed our time in west Texas this weekend. We stayed with Nana and Pops on Thursday evening and Friday. We enjoyed some wonderful family times. I have so many fun pictures to share. We met up with my dad on Thursday night and ate dinner (Olive of my favs) out at his ranch. It was a lot of fun. On our way out of his property, we saw an amazing rainbow. God is so It was so was a double rainbow...take a look!

On Friday, we caught up with a lot of family members that we don't get to see often enough. The kids performed well! :) AND....drum roll please....K got her first haircut. Yes, I finally did it!! And she looks like she is going to kindergarten. It looks good, but it makes her look so much more grown up. Here is a before and after pic...

On Friday afternoon, we swam at a friend's house, did some more visiting, and then we headed to Grammy's house. And that, as always, was a grand time. We are so blessed with such wonderful parents. My mom has spent a lot of the summer with us and we have been able to see Hub's mom quite a bit too. Family is such a are some other random pictures from the weekend...Pops with K Bel, K with Nana, and C having fun at Grammy's. Grammy...I don't have a pic of you from the weekend.... :( !!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

home again home again....

Well, we are home from a nice trip to West Texas this weekend. It is always wonderful to see all of our family and friends there. I will post more about our trip and the fun times that came with it tomorrow...lots of cute pics to come too!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!! Today's picture is of me and C last weekend for my birthday dinner....I am still not a big fan of pictures of me, but this one was not too bad. More later...

Monday, July 23, 2007

The chosen ones....

If you are reading our blog, then you are one of the CHOSEN ONES!!! :) We decided (with the help of a persistent Pops) to password protect our blog. If there is anyone that you have shared our blog address with, please let me know and I would love to add their name to the list so that they can continue to enjoy our circus.
We had a GREAT weekend. Jose and his big sister, M, came to visit us and we were SOOO excited. We had a great time. K really thought that M was here to entertain her...ha, and of course, C had a blast playing with Jose. This is our best effort of a picture of everyone that was here for the weekend. sweet Hubs surprised with me a birthday dinner last night with a few friends and some yummy food. That was very sweet of him considering the fact that he will be working hard (football is in full swing) on Wednesday...the actual day of celebration.
Well...I am rather worn out for the day. Three of four precious children had doctor appointments today, so that made for a long morning. Then, one of my favorite people in the world from high school, Alela, is coming for a visit times!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Silly mommy...

Another funny C story. Hubs and I have continually told C that K Bel looks just like he did when he was a baby. And finally, a couple of nights ago at dinner, I reminded him again and he said..."I am not a girl, silly mommy." Ha....
We have had a good few days. C is finished with swimming lessons. He works so hard...his little coordination is not very mature yet, but he does a great job for four years old. K is dying to take part in swimming lessons...maybe next year! We took some pictures. I will post them tomorrow.
K Bel weighed in at 8 1/2 pounds this week (five weeks). Somehow, she shrunk in length though! :) I am sure someone along the way mis-measured her, but I found that quite funny. Our friend J-girl came over one day to see all the kids. The picture is of them watching a movie cute. We have something really great to look forward to this weekend...Jose is coming for a visit. We love getting to see him and the kids are in heaven when they get some time to play with him. Have a great weekend...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Work for Jesus....

I have to tell you that it is so hard for me to watch C grow before my eyes. But, I have decided, with the help of a very wise friend at church, that God provides such neat moments at every stage of your kids' development so that it eases your transition from their baby stages to big kid stages. Hubs and C went to a men and boys service project on Sunday. I was explaining to C what he was going to do (restock the shelves at the food pantry) and he really thought playing sounded more fun. Ha :) ! But, he went anyway....and when he got home, he said..., "Mommy, that work for Jesus is pretty fun. They had a lot of peas there!!" :) Such a cool kid.
On Saturday, we went on a picnic at a really nice park here. We all had a great time. I took lots of pictures. The girls enjoyed the swings a lot. Well, F did not at first....she screamed, of course (par for the course). But, then decided that it was quite fun. K loves to climb (as many of you know...her bumps and bruises continually show it) but I did not take any pictures. I am not sure everyone would approve of her climbing adventures...ha!
This is what K Bel did at the park! :)
C is in swimming lessons again this week. He is also going to a little day camp at his school. He was not real excited about that yesterday...he becomes quite the mommy's boy while staying home with me during the summer. But, he lived and he will go back again!!! :) Hope everyone is having a great week!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Playdates and Fish

Yesterday was a very busy day. My cousin Haley came over to introduce us to her new baby. She was precious...K Bel and Baby I have the potential to be such good buddies because they are only a couple of weeks apart. They brought K Bel the cutest book called My Very Own is adorable. Check it out at
C had show off day at swimming lessons yesterday. We were such proud parents as he showed us his diving, freestyle swimming, backstroke, treading water, etc. He had such a great week, we will go at it again. He has told everyone this week that he has been, "like, swimming like a fish." Ha...
This last picture is of K helping with baby K Bel yesterday. I found her up on my bed with a binky in each hand...working very hard to get one of them in K Bel's mouth. It was very cute! It looks like we have quite the babysitter on our hands. At the moment, K is making me some food in her play fun...'mommy, is that good milk? i get you some more, k?' I love it. My heart just melts!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Presenting....the Circus of the Kings!!!

Well, we are finally joining so many of the rest of the world by starting a blog. Scary, huh?? The really scary part is that we are willing to share the crazy circus and some 'behind the scenes' stories of our daily life. Wow, you say....yes, wow!! So, here you are.... I am actually having a moment of semi-quiet while Hubby, my mom, and K took C to swim lessons. This is Bub's 2nd of 3 weeks of swim lessons this summer (this is his third summer to take lessons). He really enjoys them and (i know i am biased) he is a very good swimmer. It is so fun to watch him enjoy different things. Soooo anyway, that leaves F, me and K Bel at home. F is beating herself in the head with a drum stick right now...nice. K Bel is sweetly sleeping in her bassinet. And I am supposed to be cooking for some of Hubby's coaching friends that will be here tonight. :) I'll get right on that!! But, just wanted to start a BLOG...yipppeeee!!!!! Have a great day!!!
PS... This is a picture of C looking through the window at K Bel right after she was born. When I saw this picture, my heart just melted...he is such an amazing kid with a great heart. He was definitely very excited to meet his sister!!