On Friday, we caught up with a lot of family members that we don't get to see often enough. The kids performed well! :) AND....drum roll please....K got her first haircut. Yes, I finally did it!! And she looks like she is going to kindergarten. It looks good, but it makes her look so much more grown up. Here is a before and after pic...
On Friday afternoon, we swam at a friend's house, did some more visiting, and then we headed to Grammy's house. And that, as always, was a grand time. We are so blessed with such wonderful parents. My mom has spent a lot of the summer with us and we have been able to see Hub's mom quite a bit too. Family is such a gift...here are some other random pictures from the weekend...Pops with K Bel, K with Nana, and C having fun at Grammy's. Grammy...I don't have a pic of you from the weekend.... :( !!