Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Back up and runnin...

So, now, dear ones, we are back. Hmmmm...where to start? Well, this past weekend I went to Southeast Texas (my home town) for my sister, Holly's baby shower. And wait...oh yes, let me tell you. I only took K Bel with me! I know many of you are wondering what could possibly be wrong with this mother hen? I don't know...I just decided that a six hour trip with four kids was not in the forecast. So...sweet mother in law volunteered her time as grandmother hen while my mom and I headed southeast. I think all went well back here at the house. K apparently missed me more than the other kids and kinda whined periodically for her mommy. Everyone else was just fine. K Bel and I had a great time. We stayed with my mom's best friend, Susie (I consider her my other mom) and her husband. Boy, did it feel good to be there. I just love them so much (thanks guys for letting us stay). I can't believe I didn't take a picture with them for everyone to see, but hopefully I can do that soon. I did however take a picture of Tammy and Mallory (their daughter in law and grand daughter)...they really enjoyed hanging out with K Bel.
On Saturday, K Bel and I went to Holly's baby shower over in Southeast Texas. It was very nice, and we enjoyed it. I always enjoy seeing my niece H too. She is such a cool kid...
And no worries...a pic of the fam at the baby shower...
Then...K Bel and I decided to head back up to the metroplex on Sunday morning. It was a long, but uneventful drive. K Bel was an angel as always. When we got home, we received a VERY warm welcome. Even though I really enjoyed my quick trip down to Southeast, it was great to be home to see all the kiddies and the sweet Hubs. What could be more fun than coming home to a house full of sweet babies?? How about a trip to the pumpkin patch?? So...we loaded everyone up for some pumpkin fun. We have a local pumpkin patch that has a maze made of hay, hayrides, bouncy houses, and face painting. The bouncy houses and the maze were of utmost importance for our kiddos.
This week has been very busy as always. Today, K Bel had her official 4 month appointment. Our itty baby is growing up. She still only weighed 11 1/2 pounds, but looks great. She got some shots but seems to feel okay. We had a football game tonight (odd that it was on Wednesday I know), so I will shower you with photos of that in a few days. Have a great week!

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