Friday, April 25, 2008

Her way with words...

That's K with Nana this past weekend. K is very social and charming when it is part of her agenda. I love the things that she says. She has tons of personality.
The other day we were playing with magnetic letters and she said, "Look...C says mmm, mmm, mmm for CAT." Haha...
This morning I asked her what she did with Ms. Haley last night and she said, "We played for 5 minutes with our friends. And then we played air hockey and PINK pong." Heee....I didn't correct her. That is pretty cute.
We were playing Candyland (the new shape version for smaller kids) a few minutes ago and she said, "Mommy, do you have a circle-a-gon?" Ha...yes, yes I do. Being a mom is the best. I wouldn't miss these moments for a million bucks.


mckinsey warren said...

w n i c s y d h y b p p.

ooooops, i accidently used the first initial for my whole sentence....what i meant to say was

well now i can since you don't have your blog password protected---my faves--here you come. i miss you guys. i'll come see you next week...tuesday?

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Joshy got mentioned :)
I love the updates. Thanks for sharing and posting the photos. Your kids are so beautiful.